FAQ- About Course

  • Is this course for me?

    Our Survival Systems Course is designed for individuals who want to learn practical new skills and level up. We all occasionally need a boost in self-confidence, yearn for adventure and learn practical new skills that improve our self-reliance and communication skills, connect with people and improving your ability to control your physiological responses to fear. At KMI, we firmly and passionately believe that almost everything can be learned if taught in the right way. ddress common questions ahead of time to save yourself an email.

  • Do I need experience?

    No. Some of our students are experts, some have some experience and some have no experience at all. We will be hosting classes to fit all levels of experience. Our method and teaching methodology also allows for mixed level classes in addition to standalone classes designed for specific levels of experience.

  • What shall I bring?

    Depending on whether you are working with a partner, please bring the following: If working alone, wear gym attire or whatever you wear when working out. A rubber or blunt knife that’s safe to train with, shield type object and stick type object. Bring some water and a notepad and pencil. If working with a partner, wear a groin cup, mouthguard and shinguards in addition to the above.

  • Will it be live streamed?

    All classes will be live streamed at various times to accommodate international audience. Links and schedules to live stream will be sent out prior to broadcast dates.

  • Can I watch the classes afterwards if I miss a class?

    Yes. All classes will be recorded and available on demand if you miss one.

  • Who will be teaching the course?

    Our team of instructors are listed on the homepage of this website. All of them are leading experts in their field of expertise. They range from US-based experts to instructors from Europe and Israel.

  • What do I get out of this course?

    You will learn new practical skills. The content of this course is listed on the homepage of our website and include survival, tactical and self-defense skills. We want to begin a personal transformation over these five days so you are a more complete, skilled and fulfilled individual able to take on the challenges of modern living without fear or apprehension.

  • How much is it?

    $99. We provide special discounts for military, unemployed, public workers and law-enforcement.

  • How long will I have access to the recorded on-demand videos?

    The videos will be available to you for 30 days after the end of the course.

FAQ - Eligibility

  • What if I have additional questions?

    Please email or text us, see below

  • What age range can participate?

    15 years old to any age.

  • Is this course designed for women?

    Absolutely. We are even including a women only portion called WSD.

  • I am out of shape. Can I still join?

    Yes. We will begin your transformation to getting into better shape with OpFit program.

  • What languages will it be taught in?

    Most of the course will be taught in English but we will have some classes in self-defense taught in French.

  • How do I contact you?

    If you have any further questions, you can email us at [email protected] or text us on + 1 917 623 2497